The Empowered Empath Transform from the "sensitive one" to the Empowered Empath. Learn how to Benefit and Expand your Gifts! Self-Paced Online Course
An Empathetic Nature... is amazingly beautiful but are you benefiting from all that you are or are you challenged by your "automatic empathy and your high level of sensitivity?" Learning how to manage your unique nature and expand you energy will change your life and the life of all around you!
"I am really enjoying it. I have been aware of being an empath for many years...learn how to cope while still being able to help and serve others....feeling much better since our session too. Thank you so much" jb
"I really enjoyed the Empath Course.....plan on taking it again" -s
Lunarology 101
This self-paced online class will teach you the basics of how to work with the Moon Energies, learning how to sync up with the energies of each phase. includes meditations for major phases for you to utilize over and over again. It is a great go to reference.